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T&T-Alnus Group

The business of T&T and Alnus is common due to ownership relations in these companies.
T&T-Alnus group owns forest and agricultural land in area of Sunja, Sisak and Hrvatska Kostajnica.


In that area,  50% of the owned area is  forest land, and partial conversion of these areas into plantations of fast-growing energy forests will be done. The potential of that area in this regard is very large and we are considering looking for another strategic partner for this activity.

 In the future, we intend to apply for EU grants because we believe that increasing the quality and efficiency of the Alnus-T&T Group significantly affects the quality of life of the local population, depopulation and environmental protection. One of the goals is to provide several scholarships for the education of the local population.
In the field of forestry, our goal is to turn abandoned forests of poor quality into areas where fast-growing energy wood mass will be grown.
T&T-Alnus Group aims to upgrade their current production nursery for Miscanthus giganteus (MxG), which is a plant used in the production of bioethanol. The company will purchase new equipment and technology to enable them to control the whole process of planting, picking and processing the crop. 
On the short term, this will help the company deliver services to local energy companies. On the medium to long term, this project will help the company become a strong part of the wider value chain of green fuel production based on bioethanol. The project has the potential to contribute to Croatia’s green fuel industry.



Plan for raising short rotation plantations - Miscantus gigeanteus

For now, land has been purchased for a nursery that has been leased to INA d.d., (existing contract), and where Alnus d.o.o. will perform all work, from planting to picking rhizomes.


The ultimate goal is the production of bioethanol.


From 2021., in accordance with the letter of intent, we should start raising plantations. Given that plantations, in accordance with the legislation, can be raised only on non-overgrown forest and neglected agricultural land, the project is expected to have


multiple benefits:


- Cultivation of neglected and overgrown agricultural land

- Revival of naturally neglected rural areas

- Reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere (bioethanol is added to fuel)

- Employment of local population

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